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The First Step Towards Wealth: A Burning Desire for Accomplishment

This excerpt is taken from my book "Rich Christian, Poor Christian"

Let me tell you something that I believe to be true. I truly believe that every human being that comes to the age of understanding of the purpose of money is going to wish for it. Let me hit you with a dose of reality. Wishing is not going to put one red cent in your pockets, as you’ve probably already found out. Let me see if I can help you out. Here’s a formula I followed religiously as a stockbroker.

Here’s what I did:

  • I desired money with a state of mind that became borderline obsession

  • Each day I planned a definite way to acquire money

  • I always had a definite amount in mind that I wanted to acquire

  • I did not know the meaning of the word “failure.” I was obsessively persistent.

As I have been saying throughout my first book as well as this one…this is not a self-help book. Carlos C. Johnson II is not a self-help guru. I am a visionary whose purpose is to bring out the best in people and get them to think “outside the box.” Let’s see if I can lay it out for you on how to turn your desires into their physical or monetary equivalent.

Try this on for size:

  • First: Envision the “exact” amount of money you wish to acquire. Just saying “I want a lot of money” will not work. You must have an exact amount. (There is a method to my madness why I asked you to do that).

  • Second: Determine “exactly” what you plan to give in return for the money. (product, service, etc) There is no such thing as “something for nothing.”

  • Third: Set a definite date when you plan to acquire/possess the money you desire.

  • Fourth: You must create a definite plan for acquiring the money. You must start now whether you are ready or not. Do not procrastinate.

  • Fifth: Write out a clear, concise statement outlining the amount of money you want, the time limit when you intend to possess it, what you intend to do for it, and the plan for its acquisition.

  • Sixth: This may sound weird, but read your statement twice a day. Try once in the morning and again in the evening before bed. Try to envision yourself having the money you want and living the life you want as an already accomplished fact.

For any significant change to take place in your life, the change you wish to make must be a “burning” desire. If not, then you are still in the “wishing” and “hoping” phase. If that’s the case, then nothing will change and you will continue to experience your current circumstances. You have to see and feel yourself truly experiencing the life you envision. You have to make it real in your mind’s eye. Remember, your subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real experience and an imagined one. Your subconscious mind will create your life exactly as you envision it…good or bad.

The six steps I outlined have been used by some of the richest and most powerful men of the last century. It is no doubt they work. I used them as a stockbroker and they worked perfectly. They were used by some of the most powerful industrialists of this generation and generations past. For those who are wise enough to put them to use, I congratulate you in taking the first steps to living the life you envision. For all others, you may not want to read any further because I do not know how anything else in this book will be of benefit to you. Reading will not change your life, a clear vision and inspired action will.

This may help steer you in the right direction. It's called Manifestation Miracle.

Carlos C. Johnson III

The UnderCover Millionaire

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